Well another slow day at work; hopefully it'll be busier tomorrow. I need to make a car payment and cable payment. This year is going by so darn fast; it's almost August already; where has this year gone to? I'll be 50 in 7 months. :( LOL. I sure don't feel like an old wine that gets better with age. LOL I finished my little blackbird last night. I think he turned out cute; I need to work on a model I'm stitching for a designer and I have to do a "fall stocking" for someone in my blackbird yahoo group. I can't wait to do that one!! I mailed off my LK exchange gift and will post a picture as soon as I can. She should receive it by Thursday or Friday. I hope she likes it; I'm just learning how to "finish" my work in different ways than framing. It's fun; My mom is coming to visit over Labor Day and bringing me my Aunt Lee's sewing machine; so I'll be a "pillow making fool".. LOL I think I'll go start my stocking. I need better light to stitch the model;