Hi, well I've totally lost my stiching "mojo" :( I can't even stitch for 15 minutes and I'm bored. This hasn't happened to me for a long time and I sure hope it passes soon. Me and Ashley drove to Monument to meet some friends who brought my 15 year old grandson to spend the week for spring break yesterday. It's a 2 1/2 hour drive to Monument. We had a nice drive thru the mountains. I wore capri's and my Birkenstock sandles and when we got up to Monument there was a ton of snow!! We saw 4 very pretty young ladies in bikini's getting their pictures taken stand in the snow. LOL It looked very cold...
I wish I would have brought the camera. We've been playing WII a lot; it's a lot of fun; I beat the kids bowling 3 games tonight. Their still playing; I get bored after about an hour of playing any kind of "game". Work was kind of slow, hopefully tomorrow will be better; I need to make some money for some bills. Hopefully Hayden (grandson) will let me take some pictures tomorrow; he hates his picture taken. Ashley and Heather are taking him back on Friday; I have to work. I have a dentist appt. next Friday (15th) and am already having to get myself talked into not canceling, I have to go. I'm terrified of the dentist and it takes all I have to go. Hope everyones having a good week so far; I'm going to go "force" myself to stitch and see if I can get my "mojo" back...:)