Hi all, hope everyone had a wonderful & safe New Years. We had a quiet one; I worked then we went to Golden Corral for dinner and then laid in bed watching T.V. til midnight; then we went to sleep; pretty quiet night. I'd love to go out; but there is just too many drunk & crazy people around.
I was off work today, I cleaned the house and then sat and finished my January Cottage, & started this little Heart & Hand kit I found in my growing pile of stash. I've had this kit for about 4 years I think..lol Something I "had to have". I am really enjoying stitching it; the material is a little dark and hard to see but I'll manage..lol I'll be stitching a lot of snowpeople for a while; I'm in the mood to stitch them...lol Sorry the picture is blurred; I'll take another one tomorrow; I should be done. I'm off work and plan on stitching most of the day; I do have to run to Kohls and return some work shoes I got, they hurt my feet; so I'm taking them back. I need some new jeans for work hopefully I'll find some on sale. Here's my TULSA jar; all empty and ready for a new year of stitching...I have the past 2 years in another jar. I'll have to take a picture of that sometime..
Kenny is off work today and he makes the BEST spaghetti sauce; he surprised me and made it today; he cooks it in the crock pot and when I was stitching I heard him doing something in the kitchen and went to investigate and he was putting it in the crock pot..yummy; we just ate and I ate too much..
Hope everyone is doing well...