Well, I had a great day! I worked, my friend Desi and her boyfriend who also works there had a beautiful bouquet of mixed flowers sent to me, my bosses got me a very nice cake; they all sang to me :) then I came home and got Ashley and Scarlett and we went back and had a wonderful dinner; I had Ribeye & Ash had Grilled Chicken, we left there and went to the grocery store and got a few things then we came on home.
My mom just called; she lives in Ohio; we had a nice call except my cousin died yesterday of a massive heart attack; he was only 2 years older than me. I am 50 today. I hadn't seen him in years. I feel bad for his family. I need to get a card sent out tomorrow. I didn't get to stitch tonight; I wanted to. I spent too much time on this darn computer. LOL I tend to do that now and then. Me and Scarlett have a "fish tank" on facebook; and she loves when we feed them. :) This is a picture of us tonight feeding the fish. LOL Well, I have to get to bed; tomorrows my Friday, thank gosh, it's been a long week.
Thank you for all your sweet comments and Birthday wishes. Hugs, Shar