Well I got my computer back; the hard drive was shot and now when i'm typing on here or fb or an email my curser will jump around to different placed in the post? WTH???? I guess I'll have to call the lady who fixed it and see what this is? It's driving my crazy I know that. I still haven't "frogged" Needleworker, I just can't bring myself to do it. LOL Here's a new picture of Miss Scarlett; she'll be 3 next month..:) She calls me "Grandmom".. I love it..
Here's a little stash I got over the past few weeks. A few of them I won on ebay. I've been working on Ira Ray Crow; he's a lot of fun to stitch; I finished the pants last night; well dear ladies this retyping stuff is driving me crazy. It's always something isn't it? What are you all doing for the 4th? I have to work til 4 then I think were going down to the Riverwalk and watch the fireworks..Hope everyone has a safe and fun 4th..God bless those 19 brave firefighters in Arizona who lost their lives, so very sad..