I've gone to the Pueblo Quilt & Stitch Expo for prob 8 years now; I don't know why they call it "Stitch" there isn't ever any Cross Stitch booths there; and I don't quilt (yet), but I still enjoy walking around and looking at the beautiful quilts. This year I bought a Pattern to make some halloween decorations; I"m going to give it a try; and two things of buttons; it was fun picking out the ones I wanted, that lady prob thought I was crazy; there was a huge bin and you could fill a small bag for $3, I hand picked everyone. LOL Then they had prepackaged ones, I picked up one of those also. I'm going to use the buttons for my finishing on my cross stitch pillows. And I picked up 3 fat quarters of material for finishing.
It's 4:15 a.m. now; I woke and let the dogs out; Scarlett woke so I changed her and gave her a bottle, she went back to sleep; which is where I need to go since I have to work a double tomorrow; I'm just not tired; I went to bed around 10 last night; I've been so tired lately? I may make myself a Dr. Appt. to get a check up soon. I have a dentist Appt. the 15th and man do I HATE going to the dentist; I have to have their 1st appointment of the day otherwise I"ll find some reason to cancel. LOL Not much on the stitching; I have lost my stitching mojo; it'll come back I"m sure. :)