I hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for a Happy Valentines Day.. I have to work of course. So much has been going on in my life since I last posted; I haven't had a computer for over a year, just a tablet and it's hard to keep up with anything on one of those, so I went and got a new computer yesterday and can't wait to touch base with my blogger friends again, I follow some of you on FB, and I have gone to the library a few times and looked at what you all have been up to.
My girls are doing well, the babies are growing so much, Ashley is 5 and Colton is 2, Hayden my oldest grandson is 20 now.. time sure does get away with us. On the stitching side; I still stitch as much as I can possibly do, sometimes I lose my stitching "mojo", but it does come back. I am working towards being a manager at my job; sometimes I think I may change my mind because of the long hours and sometimes I just feel like a over paid baby sitter. Take care all and I will be chatting with you soon. Hugs, Sharee