Hi, I had to work today; it was slower than usual; I imange everyone is camping and having BBQ's. Kenny picked me up from work and we went to Wal-mart; how I hate that store! We went in for a few things and walked out $162 later!! But we don't have to do any grocery shopping for a while. I had to get hair color also; it seems I have to color my hair every 4 weeks now.
I let it go totally white once; but I looked too old; I'm only 49, I was lucky to inherit my grandma's beautiful white hair. But I'm not ready for that (yet). I wish it wasn't Sunday; I feel like going to Joanna's and looking around. They close at 6 on Sunday here. Today would have been my dad's 75th birthday, I lost him 5 years ago this November 6th. I am a "Daddy's girl" I'm the only girl out of 4 kids; all my brothers are younger than me. I miss him terribly. Football season is always tough on me; he was a Denver Bronco fan and I'm a die hard Steeler's fan. :) I always sent him Bronco clothes or items, he was buried in a Bronco Sweatshirt I sent him the Christmas before.
I was looking thru my stash last night and in the back of my cabinet was this WIP I started I believe in 2005. :( I don't know why I haven't finished it? I am going to finish it now. I think I"m going to go and stitch for the rest of the evening. I also won a give-a-way from Mary Kathryns blog and received my "prize" yesterday!! I was very excited!!! Thank you Mary Kathyryn, you were more than generous; I can't wait to make some strawberries and I have wanted this New Blackbird Design since it came out, it's on my "to-do soon" list!! :)