Hi everyone; hope those of you who have experienced this snow is keeping warm and busy stitching away. It has been so cold outside; then today it was 33 outside; when I was driving home from work it started to lightly snow. Me and Ashley bundled up Miss. Scarlett and the 3 of us ventured to the mall. I needed to get a few things at Joann's and she wanted to check out the "PINK" section at Victorias Secret.
Well while we were in there our little snow turned into a blizzard. :) So, we cut our shopping short and came on home. We stopped at Wendy's she got a #1 combo and I got a baked potato and some chili. They have the best chili. It's still snowing out; those big flakes. Their so pretty.
As for stitching I am still working on my Homespun Elegance piece. I haven't made much progress (as you can see); it's coming along though. I need to finish up the RR I'm currently in and then I'm not going to do anymore exchanges for a while. I may keep up with the LK one, it's been a lot of fun, and the pieces I've been getting are so cute. Take care everyone and keep warm..