I woke to snow yesterday; but the time the snow ended we had 6 inches, it's almost all gone today; living in Colorado is crazy; Wednesday it was 70 yesterday snow and 30 and today it was about 45. I think we have more snow coming in on Monday.
One of the cooks at work brought some strawberries into work and made a few of us ladies some little deserts; this is a picture of what he made for me; it's strawberry roses and then he cut up 3 other ones and put carmel & chocolate on them; it really made my day. I did share with one of the other girls who didn't get any. LOL. I wish I had a plate of them right now. I went to Captain D's and brought home some fish for dinner; I think it was a little too greasy for me. I can tell I'm getting PMS; cramps and the "bitch-mode" is slowly moving in..lol poor Kenny. I hope when I get my biopsy done; they will decide to do a hyster. (can't spell it)
I started this little spring picture last night, I still am working on the model; I should be able to get it in the mail to her Monday. I have a couple "goodie" boxes to get in the mail Monday. :) Hope everyone is able to get some stitching done this weekend..