Try to watch your football team get their butts kicked..LOL I had to "frog" this picture about 7 times this morning finding all the little mistakes I made watching the Steeler's playing last night (and they lost) :( I still have to restitch the tree. LOL
We were off work today and went and did all our errand running and grocery shopping done; so tomorrow we can just lay around the house and be lazy (inbetween the laundry loads). We are suppose to get 2-6" of snow (it changes hourly the amount were suppose to get). Scarlett is learing where her nose, ears & eyes are...here she is pointing to her "eyyyyyeeeee". LOL
Kenny made some killer pork chops & mashed potatoes for dinner; I'm going to make my Grandma's homemade beef soup tomorrow; it has to cook all day on the stove and it's going to be the perfect day for it. I hope to finish "All is Calm" either tonight or tomorrow and start "Snow in Love". I'm going to stitch about 3 ornaments before I "finish" them. I still haven't unpacked all my "goodies" from the move. LOL I need some new storage bins and haven't gotten them yet. I don't know exactly how I want to do my stitching room yet? I know I need somekind of table. I guess I'll know it when I see it. Hope everyone is having a great week so far...