Well, "Maybe" I'll finish the May Word Play before June that is!!! LOL I started this a few days ago and really love working on it; but I'm losing my "mojo"..I hate when we go thru this, it seems to happen every once in a while; I think when your on a "dead-line" finishing a gift, or exchange piece you get burnt out and that's what happened to me. I'm going to sit and stitch for about 15 mins when I'm done posting and see if I can snap myself outta it.
On the home front; my oldest daughter Heather and grandson Hayden (16) are coming to stay with us until she gets a job and gets on her feet; it's just not working out for them in Montrose, CO. We have a small 2 bedroom house, I guess my craft room will have to be put on the back burner for a while. I don't think they'll be long prob a few months. I don't mind at all and Kenny seems to be okay with it. He has to understand; no matter where I am in my life or whats going on when my girls need a home they will always have one with me; even if I'm living in a box under a bridge..lol (that'll never happen but just saying..) My parents were always there for me when I was younger and me and Heather's dad broke up I remember calling them crying (I was in Colorado and they were in Ohio), my dad asked "do you wanna come home sis?" and I said "yeeesss", and there was a plane ticket waiting for me the next day; I'm the same with my girl. Here's a picture of my grandson Hayden..
Ashley and Torry went walking around their little town outside the Post yesterday and Scarlett had lots of fun; thought I'd share some pic with you. I also took advantage of Sandra's special (Homespun Elegance) sale she had last week and ordered 3 books I've been admiring, she even included a little gold star I need for one of the designs, Thank you Sandra...:) Well, off to stitch (hopefully) Have a wonderful day...