I finished "Jolly Jack" today and started a "freebie".. I'm not quite sure how I'm gonna "finish" him yet maybe into a cube? Any ideas?? Love the "freebie" it's from With thy Needle & Thread; thank you Brenda for such a sweet design. :)
It was so nice here today; I think our high was about 80, I didn't turn on the air conditioner til about 4. I can't wait til we don't use that stupid thing and our electric bill can go back to $60 instead of $140.
Me & Kenny both have Monday & Tuesdays off; so he decided to give Rowdy a bath; it was funny as soon as Rowdy heard the bath water running he came and jumped in my lap and when Kenny came to get him; he started to growl at him. LOL He hates his inbetween trips to the groomers baths..
I have to go get blood work in the morning; I had it done last week and the nurse called and said I was very enemic and my cholesterol was high and the Dr. wanted me to go back and have a "hemiglobin" blood test done tomorrow and then I have to go see her on the 15th; I wasn't suppose to go back til October; so I don't think this is going to be a good visit. I knew I was enemic because my periods have been so very heavy for about 3 months now; I know I'm going thru "The Change" and I sure wish it'd hurry and be over with. I'm 50 now and don't need this..lol