Well, I went to the "Quilt & Needlework Expo" this morning and there was NO Cross Stitch at all....:( I was so disappointed. I found some fat 1/4s of some cute material I will use in "finishing" (someday)..LOL and this bat ric rack was too cute to pass up; I can see it on a Halloween pin keep...:)
There was some beautiful quilts hanging on the walls; I wish I could quilt but I couldn't afford to quilt and stitch; those ladies who were shopping was spending a LOT of money; one lady in front of me spend $187 on material; then came me; with one fat 1/4 for $2.95..lol then I bought 4 more at another booth for $1.95 and the bat trim was only $2.75; I would have bought more of that but it was the last one.
Kenny has to work til 6 then were going out to dinner; we try to make Saturday nights our "date night"; we go out to dinner and sometimes to a movie. I went out and picked some of my lilacs and have in a few vases; our home smells great..:) I think I'm gonna go stitch on my model picture; I really hope to get this done and mailed on Wednesday; I am fighting the urge to stitch myself something...lol