I did stitch some today; I started my LK exchange; it's so cute and won't take me long to finish; I'm off work the next two days and besides running some errands tomorrow I'm going to be housebound and do nothing but stitch and make a pot of homemade chili that will cook on the stove all day... YUMMY
Well, here are the newest pictures of Scarlett; she's starting to coo and trying to make noises when we talk to her. Yes, grandma is a Steeler's fan. :) I'm having such fun with her. I love being a grandma so much. My grandson is almost 15 his name is Hayden. He's my "boo". that's a nick name I gave him when he was little; he tells me he's too big to be called that and I tell him he'll never be too big. LOL I think I'm going to go shower and then stitch some; I'm not tired and don't have to get up early.
I was bad and sent another order into 123 Stitch this morning for some more stash, 2 patterns and about 4 more CC, and 2 GA. Not too bad I guess it could have been worse. LOL