Kenny arrived Friday; it's been kind of "different"; we'll just give it some time. Then Saturday night I was in the shower and heard my dog barking so I got out and Kenny was outside w/our neighbor (it was like 11:30 p.m.) and came up holding our cat "Mickey"; he'd been hit and killed by a car and they never even stopped or looked for the owner :( We've had him since he was born, he didnt have a tail at all!!! And had quite the personality. LOL I miss him dearly and cried almost all night and still get tears; I'm so thankful Kenny was here to get him out of the road and bury him for me. It's so funny how attached to our pets we get.
On the stitching front, I stitched a lot on my "Home of a Needleworker 2 on Saturday night (before I knew about Mickey) and I have my Birds of a Feather ready to begin today; I can't wait to get it started; I'd run out of CC's "Weeping Willow" for Home of a Needleworker and ordered another one from 123 Stitch and it came Saturday and is totally different; I'm not quite sure how I'm going to use it now, it looks like a totally different colour. (frown)
Sorry I'm late on posting my TUSAL... Hope everyone has a good week; it's so darn dry and hot here in Pueblo, Colorado; I'm hating life and will be for the next few months; I HATE summer!! and the hot weather...YUCK!!