Goodness the past few days have not been what I expected, I wanted to go to Goodwill to look for work pants (we wear jeans & black polos at work and I get great deals at Goodwill) then if I spill bleach on them I don't feel so bad about ruining a $8 pair of jeans instead of $40. And I wanted to go to Hallmark and get a new Yankee Candle (I have a coupon) & to Joanne's for whatever I HAD TO HAVE.. I noticed I had a small knot like thing on the bottom of my gum down by my jaw about 3 weeks ago and it kinda hurt when I touched it, so I called my dentist and made an appt. for May 7, well Monday morning about 2:45 I woke with killer pain on that knot and the tooth above it that doesn't have a cavity that I can see, I got up and took 3 Alieves and went back to bed and woke up yesterday morning and my jaw was swollen horribly, it looked like Kenny punched me in the jaw and it hurt sooooooooooo bad. I called my dentist again and she said she couldn't get me in, but I had to get to my doctor and get on antibotics ASAP.. So, I called my Dr. and she got me in. She said I had an absessed tooth and that it may have to be "drained"?? Now, this doesn't sound like fun at all..but I had to be on anitbotics a few days before they could do anything, so $46 later I have antibotics and Vics for pain.
I started feeling nauseated while at the pharmacy waiting for my meds, and came straight home and laid down and slept most of the afternoon, when I got up I made supper, (funny when a womans sick the guys still ask "whats for dinner honey"?? I just made homemade mac & cheese, something soft, but Hayden did the dishes for me. Then I sat in my chair and stitched all night while watching DWTS & Castle & the news. It's horrible what someone did in Boston. I'll never understand why people want to hurt/kill other people for no reason, just to get attention I guess, that's what Dr. Phil says anyways.
On a happier note here are a few more pics of my adorable grand-daughter Scarlett at her gymnastics class this morning, she's so adorable to me :)..I'm going to go and finish my Hope pillow and start on Love, these are such fun projects to stitch and Vonna makes the "finishing" look so easy with her Tutorial. Thanks Vonna..:) Have a blessed day..