The mailman brought me a goodie package today; I LOVE 123 Stitch; they ship so darn fast. I saw Becky SC had stitched these and I fell in love with them; I can only hope mine turn out as cute as hers did. :) I have a bouquet of spring silk flowers by my hutch and I have noticed "someone" was pulling them apart; I thought it was the cat and I found the culpret!!! LOL
I skyped with the girls today; Scarlet makes me laugh; she was eatting an orange and was trying to give grandma a bite; she'd put the orange on my face, it actually gave me a few tears. What I'd give to hug her and thats enough of that conversation...getting to myself again...Ash posted these pictures of Scarlett and their dog Dimitri, they've had him since he was just a little pup and he's 8 months old now; he lets Scarlett lay or climb on him whenever she wants and does nothing; he's a good dog. Ashley told me there's a slight chance their gonna be sent back to the states this summer; I pray that happens; I guess their breaking up Torry's unit and sending some people back to the U.S. I'm gonna call somebody and tell them I need my daughter & granddaughter back home...LOL Think it'll work???