I have been looking at this Chart for months now and finally broke down and ordered it..lol (and the called for material). I ordered it Friday and recieved it today. I love the fast service. I don't remember if I posted a pic of my threads I got last week for the Lizzie Kate Halloween Mystery Sampler. I have that all kitted up and ready to start; but I'm really, really trying to not start it til I finish my Simple Joys; and I'm almost done with it..I need to finish it; maybe I'll be able to work on it tonight and tomorrow and finish it up.
Me and Kenny and Hayden went to King Soopers and did some "Big" shopping; $242 later..ugh!! But I did find these two magazines that I HAD TO HAVE!! I'm going to sit and look thru them and enjoy a glass of sweetened ice tea and try to cool down; it's 6:30 and still 98 degrees outside; I'm diffidently hating this hot weather...I just look at it as another day closer to jeans & sweatshirt weather..lol Hope everyone is staying cool..here's a picture of Rowdy and Bear playing; Rowdy needs a haircut so bad; I may have to bread down and give him one tomorrow.