I finally finished "Baby It's Cold Outside" and I have to say if your looking at this one to stitch please do. It was such a fun piece. Even thou I did have a spell where I lost my stitching "mo-jo". But it hasn't effected my wanting new stash...lol I really enjoyed stitching this, I need to take it and get it framed soon. I know the type of frame I want now I just have to find one. I came across the March Word Play I'd started last year; well I don't really think you can call it a "start" really, I'd stitched about 13 stitches on in and put it down for some unknown reason..LOL So I picked it up and started it again. I went to grab my camera and take a picture of it and something had been spilled on the table where I sat my camera down and got on my camera so now I can't get it to take any pictures. I'm recharging it and hopeing that maybe the battery is just dead and the camera isn't done for; I'll be sad. But I will have to go out and get another one.
I'd taken these pictures and downloaded the last week of Feb. I haven't been in the mood to do much of anything lately. I haven't stitched or blogged hardly at all. I'm going to go and try and stitch a little more now. I just wanted to check in and say hi. Please excuse the wrinkles in my picture; I haven't ironed it yet..Take care friends...A special thank you for all your sweet words on my last post about my new grandbaby..:)