Hope everyone is doing well. I haven't posted in a few days; just been busy working and stitching this model for Renee, I'll finish it tonight then I'm going to stitch my mom something for Mother's Day and the May Word Play for me. :) Here's my TULSA for this month, the lilacs are from my yard; I love how they smell; we sat outside last night and the air smelled like lilacs.
Kenny was lying on the floor by my "stitching chair" the other night and the "boys" attacked him; isn't Bear getting big? My cat (Baby) was lying on the coffee table yesterday and he was trying to play with her..lol Me & Kenny went to "The Arc" (it's like a Goodwill) and I found this Prairer Schooler for .69! I was happy..
I finally ordered myself some stash; I also got 5 skeins of threads; I got 2 Crescent Colours, Frog Legs & Ladybug, 2 Simply Shaker, Grape Arbor & Uniform Blue, and 1 Gentle Ars, Peacock. I went to take a picture and my camera was dead. Hope everyone is having a great day and able to get some stitching in...