I finished working on May's Word Play, I wanted to start Junes but it just shipped today from 123 Stitch; love that place..but it's really not good for my Visa..LOL since I didn't have June's Word Play I decided to stitch on my June's Cottage and I'm so glad I did; it's so much fun to work on; love the strawberries..
I was looking thru my old posts on here; funny how time goes by so quickly when were older; look at my darling granddaughter Scarlett..for those of you who are new to my blog, this is Miss. Scarlett on the heading of my blog; she's my joy, she lives in Germany w/her mommy (my daughter) & her daddy, her daddy is serving in the Army and I'm so proud of him; he's such a good son in law; he takes very good care of my girls. I have a grandson also; his name is Hayden and he's 16, him and his mother are coming to stay with me and Kenny anyday now and were very happy to have them..
I came home from work the other day and look the mess I found in the bathroom...now who do you think did this??? Well, here's the culpret!! Bear..he's growing up fast also..Well I'm going to go and stitch on my strawberries; hopefully I'll get it all done before June's Word Play gets here and maybe I can "finish" them both before July!! LOL