Good Morning all!! Ashley and Scarlett went to Denver today to stay with some friends and it was way too quiet in here last night. I was going to stitch all night; but never picked up a needle; I played on the computer and just relaxed. I'm DVRing some old classic movies today; the origional Frankenstein, Dracula, Wolfman and Wolfman meets Frankenstein. I've never had a DVR before and LOVE it!! I've been a taping fool. LOL
I LOVE the old Andy Griffith show; but ONLY the black/white ones w/barney. I don't like the coloured ones. I have about 15 of those taped and watch them when I'm alone and stitching. Ashley hates them. LOL But it's a classic I think. I have to work today and sure don't feel like it. Would love to just enjoy my day. I work a double today and won't be home til about 9 tonight; it makes for a long day. Here are some pictures of my two tuck pillows; I change them every month.
Your Halloween decorations are properly spooky, Shar!
I don't know how I ever got along without DVR!
Your Halloween display is cute. That little baby is a darling ham!!
LOVE your pumpkin decorations!
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