Well this is what happens when you don't go to your LNS for 2 months!! LOL Me and Ashley & Scarlett went to Springs; she had to go to the Army Base and fill out the papers for hers and Scarletts passports. After we did that we went to my oldest daughters (Heather) house. We visited for a bit and they dropped me off at my LNS while they ran a few errands.
They picked me up and we went to "Cici's" pizza. For those of you who don't have those where you live their GREAT!! It's a pizza, salad, dessert, soup & pasta buffet. For $15.45 the 3 of us ate & ate..LOL We had a great time and Scareltt was so good. She's really getting big and a personality all her own. Their leaving for Texas on the 1st and won't be back til the 15th. So, it'll just be me alone, I plan on getting a lot of stitching done. :)
Lovely Stash! Happy stitching!
Lovely progress on your stitching. Great new stash.
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