This is why you never take a man grocery shopping with you; yesterday I said I was going to the grocery store and Kenny said he wanted to go with me; he had hernia surgery on Friday and was getting "cabin fever", our local store (King Soopers) had Oscar Mayer Bologna on sale 10 for $10; so he decided we needed 10 packs of bologna because it was a great buy and we could freeze it. LOL So, we will be eatting bologna & cheese sandwiches for the next 6 months...LOL.
I am sad I won't make the cut off date to enter my BOF Mystery Stitch; I thought the deadline to enter in the Colorado State Fair is Aug 15, but it's Aug 5, this Friday and theres NO WAY I could have it done by then; maybe next year. I hope you don't mind but I copied Edgars idea and made my S red. :) Well I gotta run off to work. Today is my Monday. :(
I always feel like I need a few more days off. Hopefully I'm going to Celebration of Needlework in St.Louis the 15th of Sept. I'm keeping my fingers crossed me and my mom can meet there. I sure am fighting the urge to buy some stash; it's killing me; I haven't had anything new since April!!! I can feel a "splurge" coming on...LOL
I love bologna, it's my dinner for today! But I agree with you 10 packs are a lot of packs.
The Mystery Stitch looks great :D
Great progress on the Mystery stitch. I think the red S is a great idea.
Your BoaF Mystery Sampler looks good. Love that you made your initial a different color. Edgar has such great ideas!! Sorry you won't make the fair deadline, but there's always next year!
Nothing new since APRIL?! Oh dear. You poor stitcher.... have a bologne sandwich to cheer yourself up. lol Maybe you could be creative -- think of the bologne as a bacon substitute and dice it for a carbonara pasta :)
I love Bologna and cheese sammies. Mmmm you are making me want to buy some. What a sweetie in your above post. So cute!!
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