I finally was able to get to my LNS today; I couldn't really take my time and look around, cuz Ashley & Scarlett were waiting in the car but it's prob a good thing; I spent $55 in about 15 minutes; LOL Sorry the pics are so blurry I don't know why; maybe the camera needs charged?
I found this beautiful material; one is a pretty green which I plan on stitching some pumpkins on and the other is a deep grey that I just fell in love with; I don't know what I'm stitching on that yet and then I got the material for the Autumn Alphabet from LK; I've been wanting to order this for sometime now; and I love the little "farm" pattern; my mom was raised on a dairy farm so I think I'm going to stitch it for her and make into a cube. All the material is 32 ct.
Today was Scarletts 1st Birthday :) I can't believe she's gotten so big. Her and Ashley got her this morning about 9 and their here til they leave for Germany; It's going to be a little tight in the house since I moved into a 1 bedroom; but we'll manage. Kenny will have to adjust to living w/2 women and a baby. LOL I'm going to go and see what threads I need to order. I'll be posting a lot of new pictures of Scarlett; probabley won't get much stitching done while there here; but I'll sure try..
Hope everyone is keeping cool..Fall is right around the corner....:)
Great new stash. Happy Birthday to Scarlett.
Happy B-Day to Scarlett.
She's too cute!
Great stash haul there.
Happy Birthday Scarlett :) hope you have a great day .. and nice to get some stash isn't it :) love mouse xxxx
Lovely new stash! Wish Scarlett a Happy Birthday for me!! She is too cute!
I'm so glad that Scarlett and Ashley are visiting. Yay! Enjoy your new stash. How fun! I need to look for the farm pattern. My dh and ds work part time on a dairy farm and I'd love to stitch it for them!
Nice stash you got there. Just reminded me that I haven't stitched any LizzieKate lately and need to! Happy Birthday to Miss Scarlett; she looks bigger every photo.
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