I finished "Jolly Jack" today and started a "freebie".. I'm not quite sure how I'm gonna "finish" him yet maybe into a cube? Any ideas?? Love the "freebie" it's from With thy Needle & Thread; thank you Brenda for such a sweet design. :)
It was so nice here today; I think our high was about 80, I didn't turn on the air conditioner til about 4. I can't wait til we don't use that stupid thing and our electric bill can go back to $60 instead of $140.
Me & Kenny both have Monday & Tuesdays off; so he decided to give Rowdy a bath; it was funny as soon as Rowdy heard the bath water running he came and jumped in my lap and when Kenny came to get him; he started to growl at him. LOL He hates his inbetween trips to the groomers baths..
I have to go get blood work in the morning; I had it done last week and the nurse called and said I was very enemic and my cholesterol was high and the Dr. wanted me to go back and have a "hemiglobin" blood test done tomorrow and then I have to go see her on the 15th; I wasn't suppose to go back til October; so I don't think this is going to be a good visit. I knew I was enemic because my periods have been so very heavy for about 3 months now; I know I'm going thru "The Change" and I sure wish it'd hurry and be over with. I'm 50 now and don't need this..lol
Sharlene. Love your Jolly Jack. It really turned out wonderfully didn't it. I love the freebie too. Really generous of the designer. Sending hugs and prayers for your doctor's visit. :) Cathryn
awww Jolly Jack is fab :) and the freebie is really cute too .... hope the visits etc go well and they sort you out real quick .. no fun being a woman is it :(
love mouse xxx
Oh...lovely finish!! Can't wait to see your next project, the fabric looks so neat!! I understand where you are coming from in the "blood work" department...I had to have an iron infusion recently, but I felt so much better afterward. Will be keeping you in my thoughts! *Hugs*
Funny story about your pup, LOL. At least he's a clean boy now.
Congrats on your finish. It turned out adorable.
A lovely finish just in time for Autumn. Love your new start. Going to see if I can find that chart online. Happy Stitching!
A lovely finish and new start. Hope everything gets sorted soon. It is no fun being a woman.
I just dearly love your Blog...I just found out and I am now a follower of your Blog. Where did you get the Different Icons/Sayings at that you have on your Blog. I just love them.
I too have a Blog and I would love for you to be a follower on mine too...here is the link:
Take care & Happy Stitching
Hugs :) Linda K, Railroad
Love Jolly Jack and can't wait to see progress on the new piece.
Jolly Jack came out great! The freebie is cute and looking forward to the finish.
Jack is so cute! The freebie is going to look great on the gingham!
Happy stitching...
Sharlene Love the Jolly Jack and your new start is going to be ever so cute too. Hope everything goes OK at the doctor for you. I know what you mean about going through the change I was sooooooooo glad to have it over with too.
Mary Louise in IN
Shar, I want you to know that you and I have the same tastes and you got me in trouble. I did a search on Jolly Jack and ordered him, the fabric it calls for, and the Weeks floss! It's all your fault, because I fell in love with this beautiful and cute design (had never heard of this designer before!). I didn't need one more pattern, skein of floss or piece of linen, but what the hey? Sorry about the problems going through the change, but boy do I know what that's all about! Hugz to you on your doctor visit!
Off to see if I can find that darling freebie. I couldn't find it the first time, but try, try, try again.
Hi Shar,
Just became a follower and thanks for entering my giveaway! I LOVE you stitcheries!!! Jolly Jack is fantastic. Hope all goes well at your doctor's visit! I understand completely about the "change". I'm 56
and the hot flashes are finally going away! Yipee!!!
Prayers and Hugs,
Cat Haven Crafts
Love your Jolly Jack! He's in my stash somewhere too! The freebie is darling, going to have to track it down. Hope you are doing better! And hope you go easily thru "the change"!
Love your Jolly Jack! That pattern is adorable! Good luck on your move. Though it will be a lot of work and a pain to move, it'll be great having your own space in that second bedroom. Congrats on the possibilities and best wishes. Jane
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