I can't believe it's time to post our TULSA again, this year is flying by, the older I get the faster time goes. I'll be 51 on Sunday...yuck..LOL Oh well. I've been doing my model stitching all day; I finished one and got about 1/4 done with the second, I hope to have it done by Thursday.
I went with Kenny to the hospital yesterday, he had to get some blood work done and while I was waiting I went by the little coffee shop and they had all these "goodies" that the girl had just put out; it was so hard to pick just one...I got the Raspberry treat, I only hate 1/2 and saved the rest of Kenny; it was soooo darn good. It should be for $2.00!! I didn't think they'd be that much; but at least it was good. :)
Not much else going on; I kind of got the "blahs" today, not quite sure why. I made Chili Mac for dinner and it was delicious; Kenny had 3 bowls. LOL I pack him some for his lunch tomorrow and I have enough for myself for lunch; I don't have to leave for work til 3:00 tomorrow; I get paid and can't get my check til 3, so I'll leave early and get my check and cash it, pay the electric and water and put the rest in my account; I have a $50 order ready to send off at 123 Stitch..:) Happy Birthday to me...LOL
Happy Birthday to you indeed! What better way to celebrate the B-Day than a large order to an ONS! Them goodies sure look yummy!
lovely orts..
have a lovely birthday..
big hugs xx
Happy birthday to you!
my TUSAL jar is here:
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