I have been awarded the Liebster blog award by Cath (The Stitchin' Chicken) & Krista (Just stitching along). Thank you ladies...
Liebster is a German word meaning favourite,dearest or beloved , and is awarded to up-coming blogs with less than 200 followers.
The rules of the award are as:
1) Choose 5 blogs with less than 200 followers to pass the award on to.
2) Pass on your thanks to the person who gave you the award.
3) Post on your blog with a list of people to pass the award on to , and leave comments on their blogs so that they know they have been given this award.
4) Share five random things about yourself that people do not know .
Here are the 5 ladies I'd love to pass this award onto:
Shirlee @ The Easily Influenced Stitcher
Barbi @ Blissfully Stitching
Myra @ Gr8dame's Place
Joan @ Stitching Squad
Julie @ Julies Stitchyknitter Journal
Now 5 things about me....:)
1. I'm horribly about procrasting (some of you already know this..lol)
2. I was an Air Force Brat. :)
3. I love to dance and wanted to be a professional back up dancer (like for Janet Jackson) when I was younger.
4. I have 3 brothers; I'm the oldest & only girl.
5. I love to watch cooking shows while I stitch.
This is my first award; so thank you again Cath & Krista I feel very blessed to have been awarded this by the two of you...
Congrats on your award! I tend to procrastinate too!
So you wanted to dance...cool! Congrats on the award.
Congrats on the award...it is a pretty awesome blog :o)
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