Somethings we never seem to forget from our childhood; like the sound of the Ice Cream Man..LOL I was sitting here tearing out the boarder on my LK mystery sampler..ugh..(one stupid stitch off) and I heard the sound of that ice cream truck..I hurried and went to the door and grabbed my camera to get a picture for you girls; I was a good girl and didn't get any ice cream and believe me the type of day I've had today I could have used a "few"
I discovered last night that I was 1 stitch off on my boarder and it would drive me crazy if I just let it go; so a "rippin I will go"'s not too much to rip out about 60 stitches I guess.
Hayden went to stay with his step-dad til Monday afternoon and Kennys working so I'm just enjoying a little quiet time; I've been "pinning", I swear I'd get a lot more stitching done if Ashley wouldn't have got me hooked on that Pinterest site..LOL Find me and see all the goodies I have posted. :) (Sharee McNeely) Can you all believe it's already the 1st of September already??? Where did the summer go, hell where did the year go???? 116 days til Christmas my boss informed us in this mornings meeting. I'm ordering my 3rd part of the LK Mystery Sampler tomorrow, it looks cute I can't wait to get it and also a few other "goodies". One of my regular customers at work is a Steeler's fan also ( I'm a HUGE Steelers fan) and she brought me this new "Terrible Towel" into work today...I was so excited!!! There's nothing better than watching my Steelers and stitching on a cold day...I can't wait!!!
Kenny leaves next week for Texas with his job. It's gonna be pretty boring around here without him; I know I'd said a while ago I wanted him to leave and now that he is I'm gonna miss him..I guess we should be careful what we wish for huh?? I swear this "menapause" is about to drive me have a great weekend ladies and stitch something for yourselves...:)
Sorry to hear you had to frog part of the LK.
Maybe you can get a lot done with the guys gone. ;)
Oh, the memories of an ice cream truck!
Here on the farm we don't get to see the ice cream man but when I was little we lived in North Carolina and that was one thing we looked forward to all the time, the ice cream truck. thanks for the memories!
I do follow you on pinterest, I love the bedrooms that you pin and also the cross stitching stuff.
Happy Stitching
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