Monday, October 29, 2012

I think I'm losing my &*%# mind!!!

Well ladies, not much stitching going on lately; for those of you who are with me in this HELL called "Menapause", I know you fully understand what I'm going's like another person has taken over the once sweet, patient, caring lady I USE to place of her lately has been this crazy, nasty, short tempered, hateful, boring, walking around like a time bomb woman who I hardly know... I was taken into my bosses office with him and another manager and given a "verbal warning" because I made a girl cry at work..I had to really bite my tongue and tell him "well, if you'd stop hiring these young girls who think them flirting and being sexy WAY beyond their years" I wouldn't be hateful to them....(there's rumors the manager is sleeping with said girl, he's 57 she's 19) Can you say YUCK!!!! I was told I'm not acting like myself and they don't understand it. I told them "try being trapped inside this body and mind"..I find myself thinking of things that aren't even true...This is so unfair to us ladies to have to go thru this hell, and to be told that it's just a "part of life"..well, I refuse to believe I go to the Dr. and tell her what I am feeling and what's going on, she's says it's "Normal" for a lady of "my age (51) and prescribes me a anti-depressant...LOL and that it will probabley take 2 to 4 weeks before it works...Don't they have a miracle pill we can take and feel the effects right away?? Sorry to rant to all you sweet ladies, I do feel better now that I've gotten some off my Please let me know that I am not the only one feeling this way...I think I'll go walk around the mall for a while and see if I can shop it


cucki said...

oh sending you big hugs
cucki xxx

Shelly said...

Your boss and manager should've given you a Snickers bar! Because you're just not you lol! I don't know if you've seen the commercial on t.v. about people not being themselves until they're given a Snickers bar! Anyway, I'm right there with you on the Menopause crap. Although I don't turn into a monster, I do get stickly about things and forget EVERYTHING! I'm right around your age so you've got company! Ahh, retail therapy, the best for what ails ya!

Dirty Martini Queen said...

I feel your pain! I just had the mother of all hot flashes today and all I can say is thank goodness it was 30 degrees outside or I would have combusted. Hubby used to say PMS lasted 3 weeks in our house but now he just fears for his life 24/7. LOL

Kaisievic said...

Oh Sharee, I know exactly how you feel - it is awful, isn't it? I get so hot and flushed at work at times, it is downright embarrassing and for me it is that I get emotional all of the time. I cry at the drop of a hat now. Of course, I am under a lot of stress at home with DFIL playing up all the time and then I have just been passed over for a promotion so I am feeling really blue! Us Menopause ladies need to stick together!

Hope that today is a better day for you.

hugs, Kaye

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Do you not have HRT in America? That seems to be the done thing here. I know alot of women who say it's amazing!

Not looking forward to my hot flush years especially as I'll still be the mother to a Primary School aged child! Half the other mums will be young enough to be my daughters, even the 30 year olds!!

Mouse said...

ohhh dear ... I have been going through this a wee bit earlier than you ... got called an hormonal inbalance and I have had the coil fitted and it seems to be working ... can't they do something like that for you ???
love mouse xxxx

Vicky said...

I am just heading down this road and not looking forward to it!

Pam in IL said...

You are not alone! I had an emergency hysterectomy when I was 29 and had just had my youngest child. Because of breast cancer in my family, I was not put on any HRT and it was horrible! There are some supplements that can help even out some of the symptoms you're having if you're not a candidate for hormone replacement.

Hang in there and know that you aren't alone!

Marilyn said...

No, like others said, you are not alone! I was HRT for 25 years, and just recently went off it. It was causing too many other problems after 25 years. lol
So, for some peole it's good, some it's not so good.
I just try to hang in there. lol
Hope you get some relief.

Sally said...

I really do feel your pain. I am not the person I used to be and I get so envious of women who just sail through it. My sister did and I think why can't I?! I won't go on HRT so guess I'm my own worst enemy. I get so angry about things that wouldn't normally get to me, I get very emotional and could cry at the slightest thing and I don't like myself very much either. I just think I'm ugly, old and useless! I'm desperately trying to be kinder to myself. {{{hugs}}}

Kasey said...

Oh my Fellow Female Traveler through the Hallway of Hell - you are definitely NOT alone!! I have to say that the "happy pills" are working for me. My husband, kids and co-workers are all much happier with me now. Best of luck!!

Denise * KKL Primitives said...

I know exactly what you are going through Shar. Been there. That's why several years ago I started my blog Menopausal Monster. Mrs. Hyde was my 'other personality'. She would visit quite often. Not so much anymore, but when I forget to take my anti depressant - she shows up like a force of pure evil.