Hope everyone is having a great beginning of fall; I know I sure am enjoying the cooler weather lately. We've been getting a LOT of rain here in Colorado, I am very lucky that we don't have the awlful flooding that some of our state is having. It's so sad, we started out the summer with so many horrible fires and now the end of summer we are having these horrible flooding. Hopefully things will balance out soon. I was raised in a "military family" and was mar wried to a man in the Army and every few years I get that "itch" to move and it's sure with me now; only I don't know where to go..lol I've been seriously thinking of moving back home to Ohio, I lost my dear daddy 8 years ago and still have my mom and a brother and sis-in-law in Ohio; but mom has re-married and I like my step-dad, but I don't know if I could live with them for long. Mom lives in the "snow-belt" area of Ohio and they get buried in snow; mom wants me to come home and not work til Spring, just take some time off for me and not worry about anything, and let me tell you it's so tempting, their home is paid off and mom said I don't have to worry about paying her rent, she's never charged any of us kids rent. But I would have to pay for electric or gas or something I couldn't stay there and not help out. I can see me and mom sitting all warm and cozy in living room stitching while a big pot of Grandma Brewsters homemade beef stew simmers on the stove while the snow piles up outside :) makes me wanna leave now..lol on the other hand, I have a dear friend who said I can work with her at her company (an office type job) in Denver, which I LOVE Denver, I grew up there and there is so much to do and I know I'd have a good stable career, where as in Ohio I don't know what type of job I can find. I know my sis-in-law tells me jobs are very few and far between. Ashley wants me to move to Texas and live with them and be their "nanny" while Torry (sil) works on the oil-rig and Ash is going to nursing school (this will happen in Feb when they move back from Germany), and she's expecting my 3rd grandbaby Oct 10. Little Colton will be here, and you all know how much Miss. Scarlett means to me. All of these thoughts are just running amuck in my head...what to do????
On the stitching side, I've been stitching away on fall things, I'm getting a package ready to send Miss. Faye as soon as I finish my current project. She does such beautiful finishing. I've seen so many wonderful new patterns, in my "cart" at 123 Stitch I have the newest BBD Loose Feathers design and one of the threads I don't have and the material to stitch it on plus Santa's Village 10, with the gingerbread man on it. I'll send for those prob Monday. I am going to send for Country Stitches Limited Edition Kit someone is holding for me. :) If I decide Ohio is where I'm going I'm going to have plenty to do..Hope everyone is having a great week so far; I've been off the past two days, I have a LONG week ahead, I work 8 shifts in 5 days this week. I'm a waitress and let me tell you for 52 years old, some of those trays we carry kick my butt by the end of a double shift. LOL