Hi ladies, hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the changing of the season. My lilac and rose bushes are getting leaves on them I cant' wait until they bloom. I love seeing all the flowers at Lowes & Home Depot & Walmart, I usually wait until May to get any because here in Colorado it'll be 80 one day and the next 22 & snowing..lol Usually after May I feel safe planting flowers outside.
I've been stitching almost every night, here are a few finishs I have; I have to "finish" them, I have about 15 stitching projects I have to "finish" I'm not really good at that but I'm trying to get better. I just started "Hope", and it's going to stitch up fast. I also ordered some stash; I've done pretty well so far this year at controlling my spending on new stash, lord knows I have enough already for the next 15 years or more. LOL I did order some today; well it's not really an "order", it's 2 Auto's. And I won "Ghoul" chart by Plum Street on Ebay yesterday, that made my day because I haven't been able to find it.
Ashley & Miss. Scarlett are doing well, she's getting so big, Ashley Skyped me Wednesday and said she was cooking dinner and Scarlett came up to her and said "I wanna see Grandma"..:) it made me cry. When I answered my computer, she got the biggest smile and said "That's Grandma". :) Ashley and Torry put her in gymnastics class and she's doing so well, Ash says she really enjoys it. Only 10 more months and they'll be back in the States. Ashley's pregnancy is going well also, my new grandbaby will be here around October 16. We still don't know if it's a boy or girl and it doesn't matter to me. Well I think I'm gonna go stitch some before bed. Take care...Hugs, Shar
Sweet finishes and great new start
Hugs x
Love your new start and finshes but especaiily the new pictures of Scarlett. She's going to be a great big sister
Nice projects.
Ghoul is a great design, glad you found it.
Scarlett looks like she is having fun in gymnastics.
well done on the finishes and the new start :)
awwwww Scarlett looks like she is having loads of fun with the gymnastics :)
I don't normally plant out new stuff until may either ... there is always a chance of frost until then ... happy stitching :) love mouse xxxxxx
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