I hope everyone is doing well and are healty and happy. I know the holidays can be a difficult time of year for many of us, those of us who have lost loved ones and can't be with the people we love. But we just have to be greatful for what we have and live our lives the best we can. So much has changed in my life over the past year, I don't even know where to begin...I'll save that for another day. LOL
Ashley, Torry and the kids were here for Thanksgiving, we had a wonderful time and their moving to the Denver area in March, I'm so very happy about that. I've meet someone who makes me extremely happy and is a wonderful, loving man who I hope stays in my life for a very long time. Just a short note to say hi and even though I don't post like I should, I will try and get better, I read everyones posts and love all the beautiful stitching you all are doing, I've kind of lost my stitching "mojo", sure hope it comes back soon..
Love, Sharee