Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Just another day...

I worked til 3:30 and then me and Ashley went to the grocery store; her hubby leaves on Sunday for Missouri; he joined the Army last spring and leaves for boot camp; Me and Kenny decided to take a "break" for a while; he leaves for Oregon Saturday night, I have mixed feelings about it; but wonder if I hate the idea of being alone again or of missing him? I'm going to have to do some soul searching and see what happens; I told Ash her and Scarlett can move in with me while her hubby (Torry) is gone; I think she will; so that'll be nice. I haven't stitched for a few days, too many things going on for me to relax and stitch; I prob won't stitch til this weekend. I know I'll miss Kenny, it'll be strange being all alone again. I lived alone for about 14 years before Kenny came into my life and he's been living with me now 15 months. I guess we'll see what happens. You know that old saying "if you love something set it free, if it comes back to you it's yours if not it never was", we'll see how true it is. Plus I have a wisdom tooth that is bothering me; I"m suppose to get it pulled Oct 15 but don't think I'll make it to then. :( I HATE going to the dentist.

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