Well, I am off work today; Scarlett woke me at 8:30 and I changed her and fed her and played w/her for a while; til she fell asleep in her swing. :) I decided to go thru my stash and pick out my 15 projects for the challenge. It was harder than I thought to only pick out 15; but here are the ones I picked: (in no particular order)
1. Small Tokens by BBD
2. Rose Garden by BBD
3. Primitive Tree by Ewe & eye & friends
4. Pumpkin Cottage by CCN
5. My Best Friend by Waxixng Moon (for my mom on Mother's Day)
6. Autumn Row by Bent Creek
7. Pumpkin Hallow by LHN
8. The Pumpkn Farm by Fanci That
9. Some Things are Better Rich by Waxing Moon
10. Mini Samplers IV by Homespun Elegance
11. Watermelon in a Garden by Fanci That
12. "Yikes" by Cricket Collection
13. Leggy Snowman by Heart in Hand
14. Almost Halloween by The Drawn Thread
15. Red Houses by Prairie Grove
I have some of them kitted up and others I'm waiting on the threads; I just placed a order w/123 Cross Stitch; I love that site; it's probabley my favorite on-line shop; I've found they ship fastest.
I have to "finish" 3 ornaments today and get in the mail tomorrow; I'm going now to get my hair cut then home to colour it; the grey hairs are taking over. LOL Me and Ashley are going to both get hair cuts and I'm going to colour both our heads. We have to get hair cuts in "shifts"; one will stay home w/Scarlett while the other one goes. It's just easier that way. Sounds fun huh?? LOL I also want to stitch for myself today; haven't done that for a while. I also have 2 RR's I need to get stitched up and sent out this week. I'll be busy.
Some lovely stitching projects in your challenge. Look forward to seeing them in progress.
How fun, Shar! Can't wait to see your projects during the challenge!! :-)
awww she's a sweetie pie :) and ooo list sounds yummy can't wait to see the progress on these :) xx love mouse xxxx
Scarlett is such a cutie!!! I don't know how you get anything done. I would just love to pick her up and snuggle and rock and sing. :) Looking forward to seeing your stitching challenge progress. Cathryn
Beautiful baby, love the smile:) Good luck on the challenge!
Mary Louise
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