I won a give a way on "Olde Country Cupboard" blog and recieved my gifts today!!! :) Thank you so much hun, I LOVE the tree and the tarts have my home smell like I've been baking away; which anyone who knows me knows better. LOL
I was in 3 Christmas Ornament Exchanges this year and this is the 3 I sent out. I know I need to work on my finishing technique (sp?) I'm new at finishing; before I found "blogs" I only thought I could frame my stitching; little did I know what all you ladies do! I'm just learning. I'd love to learn how to sew my smaller pieces into little pillows; I just got my Aunt Lee's sewing machine and am dying to sew something. :) Any help is greatly appricated.
My SIL is home on 2 weeks leave from the Army; they are staying w/me and it's great having him home. Then he'll go back to Virginia for the rest of his training. We still don't know where they will be stationed. I haven't decided yet; but I might just follow them; especially if they go South. I don't have anything or anyone holding me here in Colorado. I was thinking of moving back to Ohio to be with my mom. Which is probabley what I will do. Also, of course here are some pics of my little angel. I had just given her a bath. I love those eyes. :)
Only 3 more followers and then I'm having a great give a way!!! You may want to pass the word. :) I have gone thru my stash and found several duplicate charts and a few surprises; I don't know if I'll list the "gifts" or let it be a surprise???
I think your ornaments look great! If you're interested here is a link for a pillow ornament finish:
Lovely gifts received. Great pictures of your granddaughter.s
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