I'm going to have an extremely busy weekend and just wanted to say hi, I probabley won't be blogging much this weekend; I have to work a double tomorrow and Saturday and then work Father's Day. Since I lost my dad almost 6 years ago; I really don't celebrate the day; I couldn't even work it until last year; I thought if I can't wish my dad a HFD then I'm not wishing anyone else one.
On the stitching front; I'm still working on Birds of a Feathers Mystery Stitch; I should get part 2 tomorrow; I ordered it I believe on Monday. I'm about 1/2 way done with part 1; it's just been too damn hot here to even stitch at night. Our A/C hasn't been working very well; and it was over 95 yesterday and suppose to be 101 today. I HATE HOT WEATHER!! I wish I knew where I could live where it's about 55-65 all year round. LOL Hope everyone has a safe a HFD with the men you love. :)
hellooo back :) ooo you have got far with your mystery stitch . hope you have a good weekend at work and shall see you next week sometime :) take care and happy stitching from a much cooler mouse house ..love mouse xxx
When you find a place with weather like that, let me know! Actually, I'd like a place with mid 70's in the summer and mid 60's in the winter. Maybe Fiji?! Just think, bigger paycheck=more stash! Have a good weekend!
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