No real stitchy news; I haven't stitched for days, it's just been too hot in here; we have 2 air conditioners but it's so hot; we don't have any trees to shade our house so the sun beats on it all day. And it's been over 100 the past few days and no sign of a cooling trend. :( I absolutly HATE the hot weather; I could live in Alaska and be a happy woman.
Actually I would love to live in a cabin in the woods in Alaska where you get snowed in for months; of course I need electric & running water. LOL I'm NOT a "roughin" it type of woman!! LOL I'd just love to sit and watch it snow and stitch all day..:)
Here are some new pictures Ashley sent me of Scarlett. She'll be 1 Aug 17, I can't believe she's getting so big. We "skype" almost every day and she is so funny; I miss her and her mommy so very much. I'm going to stitch today and tomorrow; I have to go to the dentist in the am at 11:00; I'm already thinking of excuses to cancel. LOL..
Wow I can't believe that Scarlett is nearly one, time has flown by.
ooooo she has grown soo much since last pictures .. and don't you dare cancel that dentist appointment ..lol and i'm with you on the cozyness and not roughing it ..lol love mouse xxxx
Scarlett is so cute! I don't like the heat either. I would love to be in a cabin where it is cold and I don't mind the snow as long as I don't have to go anywheres. Just make sure I have my cross stitching, internet and Dish Network and leave me alone lol.
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