Monday, March 5, 2012

I've been MIA!!

I haven't posted in a few days; as you know from my previous posts I've had probems with a few teeth; well I really got sick from a absessed wisdom tooth; let me tell ladies; I've had 2 children totally "natural" and Ash weighted 10lbs 2oz!! I have a high pain tolerance; but this here brought it right up outta glands got infected and swollen I looked like I had the mumps on one side. I went to my dentist on Thursday and he said he couldn't do anything til I got the infection under control; so he gave me some mega antibotic & pain pills and he told me if the swelling got worse to go to the ER. Well I woke up at 1:30 a.m. Saturday and couldn't swollow; I woke Kenny and he took me to the ER. They put me on an I.V. w/2 different antibotics and a steroid that took some of the swelling down; I've hardly ate for 4 days; I can't swollow; it hurts so bad. I had to call off work on Saturday and I NEVER do that. I still can't swollow without pain, but I go to the dentist today at 1:30 to hopefully get it pulled. I just hope it gets numb; I've had others tell me that sometimes the tooth won't get numb if it's infected? So, I'm scared now..LOL I haven't stitched for days...and sure do miss it. Hopefully I will feel like picking up a needle today.


Krista said...

Oh, Shar! Toothaches are the worst.. I hope you feel better soon!

Mouse said...

sheesh girl ...... you have been in the wars and good job you went to get seen .... and I doubt they will pull if there is still infection there as it won't numb babes sorry ...
let me know how you get on :) love mouse xxxxx

Cath said...

Hope you get that tooth sorted and start to feel better soon .
Take care .

Laura said...

So sorry you are in such pain! I sure do hope it gets all taken care of today and you heal quickly! Your pattern should be getting to you anyday if it hasn't already. Hope you get some stitching time in soon and I'd love to see your finish of The Busy Needle!


Catherine said...

Oh my ~ your experience sound horrible!! I do hope you are feeling better soon.

Vicky said...


Jackie's Stitches said...

I sure hope you're feeling better by now. You've had a rough time of it.

Sally said...

I hope you are feeling much better soon. Tooth pain is the worst!

Marilyn said...

Oh, tooth pain is the worst!!
I hope everything went well today and that you're at home resting.
Take care.

Kaisievic said...

oh Shar! Poor you - tooth pain is really the worst thing. I hope that it has all been resolved by now. You must be really feeling bad if you haven't been stitching. Get better soon.

hugs, Kaye xoxox