Monday, May 21, 2012

Remember this one??

I went thru my stitching basket by my chair last night and came across this "oldies but goodie" I wanted to finish it to enter in the Colorado State Fair last year and didn't get it done; so I pulled it back out and will shoot for this year..:) Wish me luck..I'm still working on Mays Word Play; I stitched on it on Saturday and on the Mystery Sampler on Sunday; so I did get some stitching in on IHSW weekend. Here's my TULSA for this month; time is going by so fast.

Ashley had sent my Mother's Day card out before Mother's Day and I just got it today!! But it did come all the way from Germany; It made me cry; she has Scarletts handprints on it and made a little cutout from her hands that forms a heart; I'm going to Hobby Lobby to get a frame to put the hands and Kenny went to Walmart; he needed a new yard trimmer and I looked in the craft section because I've read on some blogs where Walmart got their dmc back; so I looked and low and behold there is a whole section of cross stitch stuff!!! I was so happy...

Were both off on Mondays; he's out tearing up the and I'm just sitting here catching up on reading everyones blogs; I think were gonna have Taco Salad for dinner; it's easy and quick to make and I don't really feel like cooking. Tomorrow I'm making Tricia Yearwoods Crock-pot Mac & Cheese; I made it a few weeks ago and it is delicious!! Hope you all are doing well and stitching your fingers


Devon said...

Love those pieces,,and what a sweet mothers day card you got,,hope you enjoyed your monday off,,

Dirty Martini Queen said...

Love your stitching but the little hand prints just tugged at my heart strings.

Kaisievic said...

Taco salad sounds yum! How do you make it?

Veronica said...

All the best on finishing those WiPs :) Cute Mother's Day card.


Marilyn said...

You've made a lot of progress on the mystery sampler, it's looking good.
Cute card from Scarlett.

Mouse said...

ooo hope you manage to get them done in time for the fair :)
love the wee hand prints ... and so pleased you managed to have your dmc back :) love mouse xxxx

Denise said...

I pulled my Mystery Sample out this week end also. But I think yours looks a lot further along than my does. Love Scarletts little hands.
Happy Stitching

Catherine said... the handprints! Great stitchy projects to, but oh, those prints!