Hope everyone is having a cooler day than we are here in Pueblo...it's suppose to be 106 today; we have 2 wildfires in the mountains and this weather sure isn't helping those poor people fighting them..I pray for them and for RAIN!!
Can't believe it's time for TULSA again; where is this year going? It's so true the older we get the faster time goes..Those of you who have been following my blog for a while knows that I have been having some "issues" with my life..well, I've come to a decision and I feel "at peace" with it FINALLY! I'm going to move back home to Ohio the end of August; that'll give me sometime to save a little for a little cushion til I find a job; my mom is so happy I am coming home..:) I'll stay with my mom and step-dad til I find a house and hopefully that won't take too long.
Now onto stitching, I've been a stitching fool!!! LOL I feel relaxed and at peace and have been stitching away; I started this "Midsummers Night" design Sunday and sure have enjoyed stitching on it; I can't wait to finish it; hopefully today or maybe tomorrow; I'm off work Monday & Tuesday; I'm washing clothes, making the bed, picking up stuff and then I'm going to stitch, stitch, stitch..Kenny's out looking for a job..(I'm going to Ohio ALONE). He's not who I see myself spending my life with; I want more; I want someone who gives me those "butterfly" feelings and who will help me pay the bills...please don't think I'm shallow; I've been with Kenny for 3 years now and in that time he's worked maybe 10 months..I've supported us on my waitressing salary and I'm tired of it...He doesn't care if he loses a job because I'm working; no matter how tired I am or sore (waitressing takes a lot out of your body) I'm 51 and somedays I get home and my heels hurt so bad I cry..but I still go EVERYDAY and work doubles somedays just to pay the bills..he's happy sitting home playing his stupid ass computer game..now come on he's a 47 year old man and he plays this game AT LEAST 10-16 HOURS A DAY!!! I read some of your posts about your DH's and how they do fun things with you, or special things, take you on vacations or just sit on the porch planning a family vacation, I want that..
Ok ladies, I didn't mean to go there!!! LOL What would I do without you ladies to listen to me ranting and raving...LOL
Best of luck to you finding a job and new life/adventure in Ohio! I wish you well. Look forward to keeping up with you on your blog
Good luck with the move Sharee , I hope you find what you're looking for , and I'm sure you'll have fun on the way .Take care hun .
I'm glad you're finding peace with your decision and hope you find a new job in OH very soon.
Where in OH? Even though I live in Texas, I'll always be a Buckeye in my heart.
Hooray Sharee! I am happy for you. I never mentioned it, but I could feel unhappiness on your part and that you needed to do something about it. Good for you. The pets? Will they be moving with you? http://astitchersstory.blogspot.com/
Congrats to you on your decision to move to Ohio. Life is too short to spend it unhappy I say! Hopefully you'll keep blogging once you get there:)
I'm also a transplanted Buckeye, so I'll be watching to see where you're headed. I'll pray for you as you follow through with this big decision that you'll find the happiness you deserve.
Great stitches, hugs, and best wishes!!
Glad you made your final decision on where to move. Hope it goes well and that you are happier. :)
Good luck with your move.
You've got some great projects going.
well done on your decision and I totally agree with you ... good luck with it all and fingers crossed you get something sorted with it soon :)
gorgeous stitching as always and if you need some where to store your stash ;) ..lol
take care :) love mouse xxxx
Lovely stitching!! Good luck with your life changes! Sometimes change has to happen to see healing, even if it's a little scary!! You can do it! And when in doubt? STITCH! =)(It's quite therapeutic, I've heard! LOL)
Sounds like you are making a positive move - here's to a new future!
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