I finished stitching the 40 leaves last night and pulled out Part 3 and what do I find??? Yes, more darn LEAVES!! Only a few more though..lol I ordered some Wisper thread this morning from Mary Janes to stitch the sheep with; I love how they look stitched w/Wisper thread; I had a little left from a Bent Creek kit I had and stitched a ornament & used the Wisper thread for the sheep on it. I think I may have to start something for the 4th of July later today. I finished my June Cottage; I also ordered some tiny black beads; I think I'm going to stitch those on the strawberries instead of the french knots..
My nephew Tyler and his girlfriend Jenna graduated from Ohio State this past weekend; I hate living far away from family and missing important events. He's now a 2nd Lt. In the U.S. Air Force; he's going to be a navigator on bomber planes and is doing some of his training here in Pueblo, Colorado in July for 3 months...:) I'm so excited he'll be here when the state fair is here..
Kenny lost his job last week; so now he's out job hunting with 10000+ other people, I'm mad at him for getting fired; he was a phone rep and got in a argument with another phone rep that called him and they let him go; he'd missed some work due to medical issues and they couldn't let him go for that, so I think they were just looking for a reason to fire him; so I guess my stash shopping will be cut back some for a while. :( Don't know how were gonna make it on my waitressing job; but we'll just have to wait and see what happens. Life always throws us a curve once in a while huh?
Todays my only day off this week; I picked up some extra shifts and I don't feel like doing much at all except stitch. Here is a little stash I'd ordered before I knew he lost his job..on the bright side I won a giveaway over at Granny Traces Scrapes & Squares and I recieved my prize today in the mail...I won some beautiful felt strawberries Trace made that are beautiful; she has it packaged so cute I don't want to open it..lol she included some buttons and some recipe cards..thank you so much hun...I'm going to get a mason jar and put my strawberries and thread spools you sent me..I'll post a picture when I get it all done..I also had ordered a cute scissor fob from Strawberry Lane, I got it today also..she did a wonderful job. Hope everyone has a wonderful day and gets some stitching time in..
Sharee I am sorry Kenny lost his job! We live a tight life here on just my husband's salary, which is not large. I feel for you. But you make do. That's just the way it is. Enjoy the new stash then. That is why I NEVER have new stash, can't afford it.
Sharee I am so glad you like your scisso fob,,and I am truly sorry Kenny lost his job..will be praying he lands another one soon, take care.
Hi Sharee, So sorry that Kenny lost his job. I hope that doesn't mean that you have to do too many shifts. Hopefully he will get another job soon.
hugs, Kaye xooxx
Hugs to you Friend!
Congrats to the graduates!
More nice stash there, the fob is pretty also.
Sorry that Kenny lost his job, hope he finds another very soon.
So sorry to hear about the job loss. I hope he can collect unemployment until he's back in the force. Congrats to the graduates!
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