Sorry I didn't get this posted last night; time just got away from me. I wanted to stitch more on this yesterday; but I lost my stitching "mojo" I had to force myself to stitch just this little bit. LOL I'm using 28 ct. Cafe Mocha and it's so nice to work with; I loved it once I got started. And I'm using the called for CC and DMC threads. Also I started my TULSA; I decided to start with a clean bowl. I saved last years threads; any ideas what to do with them? I hate to throw them away.
Now you make me want to start my Pumpkin Cottage today! But I will resist until I feel better. I'm going to stitch something small and brainless while I'm sick. :-)
You could put them out for birds to use for making nests or you could put them in one of those clear glass ornaments and put on your Christmas tree for next year.
I used all mine in small glass ornaments and gave them as small gifts to friends and family. They were fun to fill and everyone enjoyed them. Every my 10 year old granddaughter gave her teachers one of them each.
I love the border with the flowers and I love it when people put who the pattern is from so I can add it to my wish list. However you should see the size of my wish list now. LOL
Another gorgeous start. I gonna have to stop looking lol I keep seeing things I want to stitch. I was going to stitch one of those glass ornaments I had seen on another blog. I would love one - might have to search. Love start to your TUSAL.
That is a beautiful design from CCN. Great start despite the lack of "stitching mojo".
Great starts Sharlene!! Little Miss is just growing...those cheeks! LOL
Get a giant jar and save them! I cannot bring myself to get rid of mine, silly ~ isn't it?
Thanks for joining my SAL, Shar!
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