Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Little bit of everything...

I am off work today because I am going to my customers funeral. I am nervous about going; I haven't been to one since my dads 6 years ago. I cleaned all morning, took down the Christmas decorations. I know your suppose to wait til after the New Year but I just got the "urge" and took advantage of it. LOL Who knows when it'll be back.

When Ashley was younger she belonged to a horse club; she was Queen for 3 years in a row. Every Saturday was filled with horse shows; I use to complain because it was cold etc...but what I'd give for those days to come back. I skyped w/her and Scarlett for about an hour this morning; Scarlett is walking all over the place. I sure hope I'm able to go visit them next year. I'm planning on going for Christmas.

I got my order from 123 yesterday; I was able to stitch the roof on my January Cottage; I maybe able to finish it today; Kenny works til 8:00 tonight. Were going to dinner on his break at 4; the funeral is at 2 so I should be able to make it. I guess I better go get ready...


Shelleen said...

Can't wait to see more progress on January.

Shirlee said...

You're doing great on your January cottage! I can imagine how much you miss seeing Scarlett. I do hope you get to visit next year ... you will LOVE Germany! It looks like your daughter was quite the horsewoman! Blessings, Shirlee

Measi said...

Hi Shar - thanks for joining the WIPocalypse for 2012! I've added you to the participant list and to my personal blog reader. I look forward to your progress photos!

Gabi said...

Gosh, I love that cute little angel in your header. She's growing so fast isn't she? What a darling.
Your January House looks gorgeous. :)
Wishing you a Happy New Year